Hey, apparently this Ubergoober is planning on making a comeback in The Continuity Elite Category ( The Masters) , you know him as Morgan, the nicest guy in Mountainbiking but us in the Motorcycle Gang Fraternity know him affectionatly as The Bastard , known for his habit of disappearing for days on end into the wilds of Mount merrion armed with nothing other than a Bottle of Jack Daniels, a bag of Cocaine Flavoured Skittles and wearing only Seans German Army Hemlet and a Day-glo spandex Thong, then returning minus everything
bar the Hemlet !
This year has seen the revival of the Experts Category mainly due to the presence of some people from far away lands like Poland and Co Kerry, my moneys on this lad Matt Slattery from Killarney , Unless the Two Eastern European Missiles Tomek and Max Power start liquefying the Kalkalash or Borscht or whatever it is they eat at Christmas and put it in their Bottles !!
Introducing Stewart Carr No1 rider for Team EPICmtb/Sprocket Cycles...possibly the most fertile man in Ireland, definitely one of the fattest..likes The George, Motorcycles and other men !
Now, I like this lad..he'll be in the MTB Hall of Fame that I'm going to build up at Toms Sex Shop in Ticknock as soon as I get the Planning Permission and fight the Hobo who lives in Kilmashogue lane for the squatting rights..hes lean, hes keen,,he likes Girls and brutal teenager Muzok , i give you The GREG !!!!!
Look at this Lad..he won't be at the Nationals ,I'm afraid, its Gar Maguire, High Fudgepacker of the IMBRC..
Went out for a spin one day on a single speed ,29'er and ran in to Guns Kilkenny and his Golden Mattock..
Check this Guy out Killian O Donoghue..used to be a Movie Star, did you ever see Boogie Nights , well he was the Guy who Played Dirk Diggler..true story, swear to God..he also won a Bronze Star in Gulf War 1
and then theres this Guy Dave Shortall
If you had seen the state of him yesterday braking with his face he said..I know better..trying to snort a line of Badger Poo, i heard..he invented the Wankel rotary Engine and once kissed Eva Longoria
funniest thing I've read in ages! class!
Richie,you're a lunatic!!Very funny.
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